How to have good, Satisfactory sex this harmattan season

No, it isn’t what you’re thinking. A lot of you must have clicked on this headline just for the purpose of the tutorial I am supposed to be giving on how to have an effective chilly sex- like you do not know already.

This article however, is about how to keep warm in this cold weather bestowed upon us by God to quench the heat we have so suffered in the past. To survive in this weather, here are a few things you’d need to have/consider;

1. Lip Balm

There is nothing as annoying as having a chapped lip. It can be irritating and unsexy. It doesnt even give one an allure to plant a kiss on the partner’s lips as it would feel like metal on metal- the grinding sound drives me crazy. To keep your lips moist and sexy for you partner to feast on this cold season, you might want to get a lip balm or create one yourself by simply mixing Shea butter with petroleum jelly. Trust me, your partner would be glued on those lips of yours.

2. Jacket/Sweater/Cardigan

Nothing warms you up better than being naked in bed and applying natural body heat but since you cant have that while you’re walking on the streets, you might as well resort to alternative means such as acquiring a jacket or a sweater or a cardigan or whatever else you’d like to call it, you do get the point. That would keep you warm for the time being till you get home and cant wait to hop into bed and into the arms of your better half.

3. Socks

Best believe this gives warmth to the feet as a jab of the tongue on the breast gives pleasure to the bone marrow. Best part- it can be worn anywhere. Be it in bed or at work. Ever considered actually wearing it under the sheets while you’re ravaging the curves and the arches on her body? Try it today.

4. Scarves

Thank God for the invention of heterosexuals, scarves can now be worn by all and sundry without necessarily feeling the need to be taunted for dressing like a girl. Think 50 Shades of Grey and think scarves and the many benefits of it in many ways aside from shielding your precious neck from the dreaded arms of the cold weather.

5. Grease up

It is no rocket science that– even if you never did, should partake in–the importance of creams in this season is paramount. Why would you want to appear to your mates at the office looking like you just got out of the desert? I would sleep if I see that while I’m trying to initiate foreplay most certainly. Greasing as a means of foreplay is the most sensual form of sex, especially now that it is inevitable. I have a killer secret ingredient. For the perfect soothing and soft texture, mix your lotion with a massage oil. It not only leaves your skin shiny, it also lasts longer on the body and works both day and night.


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